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Happily Ever Aging
...a UMH Senior Living Blog
Everything you need to know about caring for your loved one - at home or at a senior living community.
Aging & Caregiving | Independent Living Community | assisted living | assisted living communities | assisted living pricing | caring for aging parents | healthy living | seniors and their children
If you and your aging loved one are beginning to think about making a move to a senior living community, you have probably thought about the financial resources you will need for this investment. Most families have many questions about funding when they are searching for an assisted living community. How much will a monthly apartment rental cost? What is included? How much will additional care services cost? Are assisted living services included in the monthly rental or is there a separate fee? When touring an assisted living community, a senior living advisor can answer these questions and simplify the details of evaluating cost.
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How do you know if you are getting a good value for the price? It is not always easy to figure out, especially when it comes to choosing an assisted living community. When you go grocery shopping you can compare apples to apples but even when you compare assisted living communities by similar amenities and price, it is sometimes as clear as mud. How do you make the right decision? Seniors and caregivers have their life savings and financial security at risk. The first thing you must do is determine if you have enough to live comfortably at the community for at least three years. Keep in mind that the average length of stay for a resident is two and a half years so you will want to make sure that you can afford the lifestyle.
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